Field-building & Impact Influence

About the Learning & Collaboration Journey

Join this advanced learning and collaboration journey to explore strategies for field-building and influence for impact.

Participants will develop strategies to leverage their program, institution, and ecosystem for increased influence and impact.

Learning & Collaboration Journey Topics

  • Integration: Social Innovation, Systems Thinking and Changemaking
  • Engaging with and Impacting Systems

Learning & Collaboration Journey Goals and Outcomes

Learn how to:

  • articulate a statement of change
  • transform resources into results
  • identify changemaking opportunities and understand how to shift systemic elements to transform social issues.

Elements may include:

  • variables of that system
  • changemaking initiatives present in the system that may help to rewire the broken aspects of the system(s)
  • strategy(ies) that might support and nurture these changemaking efforts within the system(s)
  • potential impacts of changemaking efforts.

Learning & Collaboration Journey Benefits

All Ashoka U Learning & Collaboration Journeys offer the following opportunities:

  • Build strong ties with other Change Leaders and learn from their diverse perspectives through activities, peer reviews, and presentation evaluations.
  • Gain access to a range of materials to accelerate your learning as you transform your program, institution, and ecosystem
  • Engage with and learn from Change Leaders from Changemaker Campuses and learn more about Ashoka and social innovation from members of Ashoka's global network.
  • Reflect on and create your Changemaker Story
  • Learn about Ashoka and the Everyone a Changemaker vision
  • Learn about Ashoka U and the Changemaker Campus Network
  • Engagement with key Ashoka U resources developed in collaboration with hundreds of higher education institutions around the world. 

Participate in spotlight coaching conversation with Change Leaders at current Changemaker Campuses to learn more about their social innovation and changemaking ecosystems and learnings from the Designation Process.


Join A Learning & Collaboration Journey

Ashoka U Learning & Collaboration Journeys are offered on demand. 
Contact us: AshokaU [@] if you are interested in hosting one!